Adoreable - Affordable and perfect style! a pack of glitz, glamour
and comfortable winter wear The new
nation winter collection 2015-16
vol-2 featuring embroidered shirt and shawl. Nation by riaz arts present
another eye popping winter casual wear line with
poly wool printed shawl and marina fabric. After getting huge appraise on chiffon and
leather peach dresses for charizma: now riaz arts has offered very
exceptional design concept in lowest prices of 3500. Today, every girl
wants to look fabulous in daily routine and wish to get low price
dresses to fulfill the wish. But when we look at every brand then almost
every label has casuals in price about 4,000 which is hardly affordable
for middle class women. In this scenario riaz arts has took wise step
to make middle class girls happy by adding a
winter trends that is
equally beautiful of high price dresses and quality is also rich.
Embroidered Merino with Shawl in Nation Winter Vol-2 2016
winter collection 2015-16 is the name which we are describing in this
post. Lovely colors, attractive prints, catchy embellishment of thread;
nations dresses have basic features that are most demanding for
winter. Moreover wool fiber made marina has been used in shalwar and
kameez and poly wool shawls clubbed to complete the look. Get high
impact clothing from
NATION Embroidered Shawl Dress Winter Collection 2015 and let people know how conscious you ar4e about your external expression.
NATION presents Winter Collection 2015 in 3500 Pkr
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