Alkaram Cambric Catalogue 2015 Magazine
In latest midsummer dresses catalog, alkaram is revealing that
how nature present itself in summer season. How shores welcome the
summer, how wild flowers bloom to say a warm HI and how Greece and
Turkish people say hello to new season. Al-Karam textiles is disclosing
unimaginable colors and glory of Turk and Greece lifestyles in new lawn collection. In Alkaram Midsummer Collection 2015, they have not
forgotten to enrich the luxe and flawless appeal of east. Alkaram
midsummer lawn catalog 2015 with beauty of sea shores also offering the
aesthetic with real charisma.
This midsummer alkaram lawn has seven main
niches including wide range of unstitch fabric and ready to wear. The
key labels are embroidered lawn suits, printed fabric and digital
shirts.Alkaram Lawn Midsummer Ready to Wear Collection 2015
Alkaram Studio Mid Summer Collection 2015-16 Includes....
- Ready to Wear,
- Bold impression,
- Pretty in Pink,
- Shades of summer,
- Strike a Pose,
- Kurti collection,
- Cool Blues,
- 2 Piece
- 3 Piece
- Shirt Piece
- Cambric
- Cambric
- Dobby
- Lawn
- Cotton
- Lawn
- Digital Fabric
- Embroidered Fabric
- Printed Fabric
Price Starts from - PKR1250
Prices End on - PKR3250
- Alkaram Midsummer 2-Piece Lawn Collection 2015
2.5 Meter Shirt
Extra Sleeves
2 Meter Separate Embroidered Border
- Alkaram Midsummer 3-PieceCollection 2015
1.25 Meter Digital Cambric Front
1.25 Meter Digital Cambric Back
Extra Digital Cambric Sleeves
Dyed Shalwar
- Alkaram Midsummer Kurti Collection 2015
Extra Sleeves
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