Yesterday ZS textiles has showcased their new midsummer luxury collection 2014-2015. In which collection Zs-textiles is presenting traditional salwar kameez dresses in unstitched version. these unstitched suits include three and four piece fabric that has adorned by chic thread embroidery and appealing prints. All the designs of kalyan
luxury dresses are very rich and blend of creative designing. Zs textiles has introduced soothing colors with prominent patterns and creative contrast for eid. Latest collection is made on cotton and cambric fabric with beautiful sewing guide. Zs has made the collection unique by enriching new patterns, nature inspired olros and vivid and soft shades with adornments of crafts. Hope you will like kalyan luxury 2014 dresses of eid ul azha. In this catalog 25
amazing designs has been added, so have a look and enjoy the season with luxury dresses.
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